Understanding Therapeutic Ultrasound
Tue Sep 12, 2023
Community Corner, Education, Learning Centre, Patient Education
Understanding Therapeutic Ultrasound Has your Physiotherapist recommended therapeutic ultrasound as part of your treatment plan? If so, you may want to learn more about this modality and how it works. This blog will provide an overview of therapeutic ultrasound to help you know more about the treatment your Physiotherapist is recommending. What...
ReCOVery: Post-Exertional Malaise and other challenges after COVID-19
Thu Feb 02, 2023
Community Corner, Education, Latest News, Learning Centre, Patient Education
Introduction There is a growing population of individuals experiencing a range of debilitating and long-lasting effects after having COVID-19. For these individuals, the effects are greater than the expected weakness and fatigue that others may experience after being sick for a few weeks, be it with COVID-19 or another illness. In...
ReCOVery: Covid-19 and Your Muscles
Thu Feb 02, 2023
Community Corner, Latest News, Learning Centre, Patient Education
Introduction You likely have heard of common symptoms of COVID-19, such as breathlessness, fever, cough, reduced sense of smell, aches, pain, etc. But did you know that COVID-19 can affect your muscles? How does Covid-19 affect your muscles? When you felt ill, you probably lay in bed to rest and allow your body...
ReCOVery: COVID-19 and Your Day-to-Day Activities
January 25, 2023
Community Corner, Latest News, Learning Centre, Patient Education
Introduction Are you finding your typical day-to-day activities more challenging after recovering from COVID-19? Are basic tasks such as negotiating stairs, getting dressed, gardening, cooking a meal, grocery shopping, and other tasks more exhausting than usual? After recovering from Covid-19, many people find it difficult to do these kinds of tasks...
ReCOVery: COVID-19 and Your Breathing
Wed Jan 25, 2023
Community Corner, Latest News, Learning Centre, Patient Education
Introduction If you have experienced symptoms of COVID-19, you likely felt the effects it has on your ability to breathe easily. You may have been short of breath, coughing a lot, and in more severe cases, required oxygen supplementation or mechanical ventilation. After recovering from the virus, you may notice that...
Osteoporosis: Know your risk for this “silent disease”
Fri Jan 22, 2021
Community Corner, Patient Education
Bonny was interviewed by Paula Kehoe of Lumino health for an osteoporosis article. Please see below what Bonny had to say about osteoporosis and how to manage it. Osteoporosis is a ‘silent thief’ that can slowly rob your bone strength. The good news? You can lower your risk and manage it with...
Move – Sit – Sleep: A balancing act
Mon Jan 04, 2021
Community Corner, Learning Centre, Patient Education
Move – Sit – Sleep: A balancing act Did you know new research is changing the way we think about exercise and health? Rather than just “exercise”, we now think about “movement” more broadly, as well as the importance of good quality sleep, and spending less time sitting each day. This...
How the Graston Technique Might Help You Manage Your Muscle Pain
Tue Oct 06, 2020
Learning Centre, Patient Education
Have you heard about the Graston Technique and want to find out more about it? The Graston Technique (GT) is an evidence-based method of soft tissue mobilization that uses specially designed stainless steel instruments to help treat soft tissue dysfunctions. The GT originated from the works of Dr. James Cyriax, a British...
Ten Tips for Getting “Back” to Gardening without Back Pain Getting to You!
Mon May 11, 2020
Community Corner, Patient Education
Ten Tips for Getting “Back” to Gardening without Back Pain Getting to You! Gardening is a great activity as you are outdoors and active. However, it can also be the cause of back pain if you do too much too soon and/or do things improperly. Consider the following tips as you...
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